Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Mixed state

Yes, I am in a mixed state, happy and sad as well.
Happy if the deal is completed
Sad if I have to lose those sum of kring kring

But let's look at the bright side and take that as a chalenge to grow more ;)

Sent from my BlackBerry®


Ria Saptarika said...

Hi Hery,
Thanks ya atas review GPS Map Batam... btw; Pakai yg Garmin atau Android?

h said...

Hi Pak Ria,
Terimakasih kembali Pak, kemarin nyobain mapnya di Android punya istri tercinta ;), Android Froyo dari si Samsung Galaxy Fit S5670. kalau yang Garmin ada model nuvi2350 di kantor, tetapi belum boleh dikerjain :)